Players are required to find some eight pages, which are about a faceless, pale creature, and you have to do it before he hunts you down. Slender: The Eight Pages is known for being a first-person mystery-solving game that is based on the popular myth of Slender Man. The game falls into the type of survival horror. Best Slender Man Games: Slender: The Eight Pages (PC)

So suit yourself and read all you want from various internet pages dedicated to the Slender Man. Just like any other mythical creature or monster, the internet has many stories about Slender Man as well. Many games and a movie has been created just to add fuel to the fire. Slender mans’ character was created by a man named Eric Knudsen.

However, we can say that it was born in 2009 on a forum site. The origin of this character is still unclear. Slenderman is just a product of digital media, and as described in stories, he appears in places where humans rarely go, such as abandoned houses, forests, etc.